Evidence Meets Decisions Makers - Better Use of Evidence for Better Health
Swiss TPH Spring Symposium - 6 April 2017 - Parterre Rialto, Basel, Switzerland

The Swiss TPH Spring Symposium 2017 invites public health policy makers, statisticians, global health specialists and students to review and discuss the current evidence on how the use of data and information by decision makers can be improved in the health sector. Topics will include:
- How decision makers make decisions
- What works in promoting the use of evidence
- Teaching and Training evidence
- Technology: from paper to electronics
- Methods: statistical modeling, systematic reviews and guidance development
Thursday, April 6
Registration and Welcome
08.30 Registration Opens
09.00 Setting the Stage, Xavier Bosch Capblanch, Swiss TPH
Session 1 – Policy Makers’ Perspective
Moderator: Angela Oyo-Ita, University of Calabar, Nigeria
09:30 Who Is Really Shaping Health Policies? Stakeholders’ Engagement in Côte d’Ivoire, Mamadou Samba, Ministére de la Santé, Côte d’Ivoire
10:00 Institutional Support to the Use of Evidence by Policy Makers: Focus on the Mozambique Immunization Programme, Graça Matsinhe, Ministêrio da Saúde, Mozambique
10:30 Does the Use of Data Depend on the Context? Lessons from LMIC and HIC, Rodion Kraus, Health Partners International, UK
11:00 Coffee Break
Session 2 – Producing Quality Evidence and Promoting its Effective Use
Moderator: Adriane Martin Hilber, Swiss TPH
11:30 Use of Computerised Health Services Monitoring Systems to Improve Policy Planning: Case Study from the Egyptian Health Care System, Martin Raab, Swiss TPH
12:00 The Truth, the Lie and the In-Between of Data: Focus on Vaccination Coverage, Anthony Burton, former WHO – Immunization, Vaccination and Biologicals, Switzerland
12:30 Should Policy Makers Participate in the Production of Evidence? How Then? Abdullahi Garba, National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Nigeria
13:00 Lunch
Session 3 – Synthesis and Dissemination of Evidence
Moderator: Axel Hoffmann, Swiss TPH
14:15 Beyond Evidence Synthesis on the Effects of Interventions, Meike Zuske, Swiss TPH, Switzerland
14:45 Informing Policy When the Best Evidence is Inadequate: Focus on Vaccination Coverage, Angela Oyo-Ita, University of Calabar, Nigeria
15:15 How Environmental Synthesis Contributes to Regulatory Limits: Some Swiss TPH Examples, Martin Röösli, Swiss TPH
15:45 Coffee Break
Session 4 – Bringing Evidence to the Decision Makers’ Table
Moderator: Xavier Bosch Capblanch, Swiss TPH
16:15 Round Table: A. Oyo-Ita, M. Samba, G. Matsinhe, A. Garba, A. Burton, R. Kraus
17:30 Closing Words, Jürg Utzinger, Swiss TPH
17.45 Close of Day
Content: Xavier Bosch Capblanch
Event: Joanne Blackwell