Malaria Elimination
The malaria map is shrinking. In high burden areas malaria parasite prevalence has been reduced dramatically. Around 100 countries are now free from malaria. According to WHO estimates, malaria incidence (the rate of new malaria cases) fell by 37% between 2000 and 2015. In that same period, malaria death rates among populations at risk fell by 60% globally among all age groups and by 65% among children under 5.
But the gains in the fight against malaria are fragile and unevenly distributed. About 3.2 billion people – nearly half the world’s population – remain at risk. In 2015 alone, there were 214 million new cases of malaria and more than 400 000 malaria-related deaths.
Swiss TPH conducts research to control and eliminate malaria in different regions and provides assistance to countries in the development of national malaria elimination strategies.
Project Highlights

Controlling and Eliminating Malaria in Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific
The objective of the International Center for Excellence in Malaria Research in Southeast Asia is to advance knowledge of how programmes to control malaria in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands affect the epidemiology, transmission and pathogenesis of malaria infection and morbidity. Research and capacity building activities of this programme will be useful to health officials and other stakeholders. Read more

Modelling the Impact of Interventions on Malaria in Zanzibar, Tanzania
A new malaria transmission model distinguishes between imported, introduced, and indigenous cases to assess the probability of malaria elimination in Zanzibar. The plateaued malaria prevalence in the region is attributed to case importation. By estimating the proportions of imported and locally transmitted infections, the model offers insights into the role of malaria importation in sustaining the disease. Results demonstrate the potential impact of various interventions on malaria incidence and the likelihood of achieving elimination. This research aims to inform public health officials on necessary actions to reduce malaria and achieve elimination in Zanzibar, with potential applicability to other regions worldwide. Read more

Stratification for Interventions in Malaria Eliminating Countries
This project is using mathematical modeling to inform strategies to accelerate progress towards malaria elimination in Southern Africa, the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Hispaniola, and Mesoamerica.