Defining the Noma Research Agenda

Swiss TPH Hybrid Symposium

Restoring dignity
Only complicated plastic surgery can help affected children in the long term. 4-year-old Maryam has already undergone four operations, most recently a skin graft. (Photo: Claire Jeantet, Fabrice Caterini/Inediz)

Noma is a devastating disease that mainly affects children living in extreme poverty. If not treated at an early stage, up to nine in ten people die from noma. Those who survive often suffer life-long disabilities and stigma due to disfigurement.

Invisible for centuries, the World Health Organization officially recognised noma as a neglected tropical disease in December 2023. Using this momentum of increased global attention, we now want to bring together experts and stakeholders from different fields to set a common noma research agenda. Topics will include:

  • Integration of noma surveillance and treatment in  established disease control programmes
  • Perspective of noma survivors in shaping research
  • Noma surveillance and prevention, including the role of nutrition
  • Population awareness and early detection
  • Physical and mental well-being of people affected by noma

Join our symposium and help us unite efforts to better understand, prevent and treat noma.

The symposium is co-organised with Elysium, the first noma survivors’ association.


When and where

Date Friday, 20 September 2024
Time 10:00 - 17:00 CEST
Venue Swiss TPH
Kreuzstrasse 2
4123 Allschwil
Room Seminar Room 4


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Selected projects at this location:
