Systems Thinking Toolkit

Systems thinking is a discipline that allows individuals to understand and intervene in complex systems. It helps those that use it to look at realities with a holistic lens, focusing on how the whole system is composed of sub-components that are interconnected and have inter-dependent and emerging behaviors (de Savigny & Adam, 2009). Systems thinking is comprised of theories, methods, and tools that assist with addressing complex problems (Peters, 2014). This systems thinking toolkit is categorized into six different systems thinking characteristics that were commonly found in systems thinking literature (Stave & Hopper, 2007). Corresponding with each characteristic are systems thinking tools that assist with achieving the characteristic.

This characteristic is comprised of the recognition and understanding of the key actors within a health system, as well as the overall structure of the system. It enables the stakeholders within the system to create shared goals and acknowledge how the health system can work together to implement successful health actions.

Systems Thinking Tools



Stakeholder mapping/analysis

A visual process of analyzing, prioritizing, and diagramming of the stakeholders involved in the system ( and

  • Introduction to stakeholder mapping

  • Video on how to create a stakeholder map

Social network analysis

 "Social Network Analysis is a set of techniques for analyzing social systems. It can be used to understand networks and their participants, that is, to grasp and describe the organization of the network as a whole as well as the position of individual actors. It offers a variety of techniques for measuring, visualizing, and simulating relationships and allows analyzing these relationships in visual as well as mathematical terms."-Systems Concepts in Action, Chapter 3

  • Introduction video to social network analysis



 A tool for depicting the relationships within a group. It creates a visual of social links among a system and uncovers underlying relationships within a system. (

  • Introduction to sociograms and examples

  • Video, introduction and example of sociograms

Process mapping

 Illustrates the workflow in a system to understand, analyse and optimize processes (Durski et. al, 2020).

  • Introduction to process mapping and example

  • Application of process mapping example

  • Video explaining process mapping

Causal loop diagram

An analytical tool to document, model, and visually map the different interactions among a system’s elements, variables or subsystems, and represent the nature and direction of their relationships.

  • The basics of constructing a causal loop diagram

  • Introduction to causal loop diagrams

  • Video introducing causal loop digarms

Logic models

“a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan to do, and the changes or results you hope to achieve.” (Volf, n.d.)

Reflective practice

“learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice” (Finlay, 2008).

Health systems, as they are governed by feedback. Therefore, It is critical to identify cause-effect relationships, positive and negative, that occur among the parts of the health systems by recognizing feedback loops and determining chains of causality within the system.

Systems Thinking Tools



Causal loop diagramming

An analytical tool to document, model, and visually map the different interactions among a system’s elements, variables or subsystems, and represent the nature and direction of their relationships.

  • The basics of constructing a causal loop diagram

  • Introduction to causal loop diagrams

  • Video introducing causal loop digarms

Agent-based modelling

 “Agent based modeling is a bottom-up simulation technique where we analyze a system by its individual agents that interact with each other.” (Karami, 2021)

  • Examples of agent based models

  • Introduction to agent based model

  • Video explaing agent based models

Stock and flow diagrams

"Stock and flow diagrams are ways of representing the structure of a system with more detailed information than is shown in a causal loop diagram." (Venism)

  • Introduction to stock and flow diagrams

  • Examples of stock and flow diagrams

  • Video introducing stock and flow diagrams

Logic models

“a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan to do, and the changes or results you hope to achieve.” (Volf, n.d.)

  • Introduction to logic models

  • Video introducing logic models

  • How to create a logic model


 A tool for depicting the relationships within a group. It creates a visual of social links among a system and uncovers underlying relationships within a system. (

  • Introduction to sociograms and examples

  • Video, introduction and example of sociograms

Identifying leverage points can help determine where to focus the most attention in a health system. In health systems, identifying leverage points systematically illuminates key areas to intervene, allowing for more targeted health actions.

Systems Thinking Tools



Iceberg model

"Iceberg model is a tool that allows you to shift your perspective and see beyond the immediate events that everyone notices. It helps you to uncover root causes of why those events happen." (untools)

  • Overview of iceberg model

  • Overview of using iceberg model for identifying leverage points

  • “Dr. Peter Senge and Dr. Mette Miriam Böll introduce the Systems Thinking Iceberg Tool as a way of visualizing how our attention naturally focuses on things "above the waterline," when there are deeper issues below the waterline that are invisible to us.”

Scenario planning

 "Scenario planning is a management tool that is designed to allow organizations to evaluate the efficacy of strategies, tactics, and plans under a range of possible future environments.” (

  • Scenario planning overview

Scenario Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking, Paul Schoemaker

  • A publication outlining the use of scenario planning

  • Video detailing scenario planning step by step

Decision tree modeling

 A decision tree is a specific type of flow chart used to visualize the decision-making process by mapping out different courses of action, as well as their potential outcomes.

  • Explanation and examples of decision tree models

  • Introduction to decision trees video

Logic models

“a systematic and visual way to present and share your understanding of the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan to do, and the changes or results you hope to achieve.” (Volf, n.d.)

  • Introduction to logic models

  • Video introducing logic models

  • How to create a logic model

Group model building

“Group model building is a qualitative method aimed at engaging stakeholders to collectively consider the causes of complex problems." (Gerritsen et. al)

  • A publication describing group model building

  • Video introducing group model building methods

Systems dynamics modeling

 Systems dynamics is an approach to describe, model, simulate, and analyse  dynamically complex issues/systems at a relatively high system level. It allows to simulate feedback and accumulation effects on specific blocks of the system.

  • Video introducing system dynamics models

  • Introduction to system dynamics modelling, including a video

It is imperative to recognize that feedback loops and the interactions between the components of the health system are responsible for generating patterns of behavior. Therefore, recognizing dynamic behavior can help determine the effect that behaviors from components of the health system have on the entire system

Systems Thinking Tools



Causal loop diagram

An analytical tool to document, model, and visually map the different interactions among a system’s elements, variables or subsystems, and represent the nature and direction of their relationships.

  • The basics of constructing a causal loop diagram

  • Introduction to causal loop diagrams

  • Video introducing causal loop digarms

Behavior over time graphs

 "A Behavior over Time Graph is a simple line graph that shows a pattern of change over time – it shows how something increases and decreases as time passes.” (clexchange)

  • Video introducing behavior over time graphs

  • Video on the importance of behavior over time graphs on systems thinking

  • Introduction to behavior over time graphs

Systems archetypes

"System archetypes are common and usually recurring patterns of behavior in organizations. These patterns almost always result in negative consequences." (Taborga, 2011),nascent%20field%20of%20systems%20thinking.

  • Introduction to system archetypes

  • In-depth explanation of system archetypes

Stock and flow diagrams

"Stock and flow diagrams are ways of representing the structure of a system with more detailed information than is shown in a causal loop diagram." (Venism)

  • Introduction to stock and flow diagrams

  • Examples of stock and flow diagrams

  • Video introducing stock and flow diagrams

The use of models to suggest possible solutions to a problem displays pictorial or written depictions of applying causality, feedback loops, and variables to achieve the purpose of a health system. The models do not depict a real-world system, rather, they model potential solutions to a problem. Models can provide an improved understanding of the factors that influence health actions and help to use health resources more efficiently.

Systems Thinking Tools



Conceptual Model

“A Conceptual Model is a diagrammatic representation of what logical activities need to be undertaken to achieve a system purpose” (Dr. Stuart Burge)

  • Introduction to conceptual models

  • Conceptual model introduciton video

Theory of Change

 "The Theory of Change is a comprehensive description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context.” (

  • How the theory of change works

  • In-depth explanation of the theory of change

  • Example of the application of the theory of change

Using systems thinking simulation models helps translate multifaceted scientific findings into easy-to-understand outcomes. Simulation models use qualitative and quantitative data to create a well-rounded model of the overall system and the interactions throughout the components. In health systems, simulation models can be used for assessing vulnerability, economic impact, measuring performance, emergency preparedness, and how health systems are interdependent on other systems. Using simulation models is an important part of systems thinking as it helps predict the impact a change will have and compare possible solutions to a problem.

Systems Thinking Tools



Agent-based modelling

 “Agent based modeling is a bottom-up simulation technique where we analyze a system by its individual agents that interact with each other.” (Karami, 2021)

  • Examples of agent based models

  • Introduction to agent based model

  • Video explaing agent based models

Systems dynamics models

 Systems dynamics is an approach to describe, model, simulate, and analyse  dynamically complex issues/systems at a relatively high system level. It allows to simulate feedback and accumulation effects on specific blocks of the system.

  • Video introducing system dynamics models

  • Introduction to system dynamics modelling, including a video

Scenario planning models

 "Scenario planning is a management tool that is designed to allow organizations to evaluate the efficacy of strategies, tactics, and plans under a range of possible future environments.” (

  • Scenario planning overview

Scenario Planning: A Tool for Strategic Thinking, Paul Schoemaker

  • A publication outlining the use of scenario planning

  • Video detailing scenario planning step by step