Technical Support and Capacity Building for Malaria
Capacity building is crucial to ensure the sustainable success of malaria prevention and the control of the disease. We provide technical support to National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCP) in different countries, for example in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania. We assist NMCP to improve malaria case management, including the forecasting, funding and procurement of key antimalarial drugs and diagnostics, and their successful introduction.
Support on Local and National Level
Our activities include supporting the implementation of monitoring and evaluation plans, providing key support to national research organizations through capacity building and providing additional management support to the NMCP to more effectively manage both data and resources.
In other projects, for example in Papa New Guinea, we build local capacity and infrastructure to monitor, evaluate and guide ongoing and future malaria interventions used by national health authorities.
Swiss TPH is Contracted by the Global Fund
In addition, Swiss TPH has a profile as a leading agency for evaluating and monitoring health sector development projects, including its role as a Local Fund Agent for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. As the Global Fund with its head office in Geneva does not have a presence in the countries, Local Fund Agents serve as the eyes and the ears on the ground.
Project Highlights

Building Capacity for Malaria Control in the Democratic Republic of Congo
The Malaria Control in the Democratic Republic of Congo Programme (CongoMal) aims to improve malaria control in the DRC, by contributing to reducing malaria prevalence and incidence and positively impacting child and maternal mortality. Activities focus firstly on increasing access to and use of quality malaria prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Secondly, the project will strengthen the capacity of the National Malaria Control Programme to generate and make best use of data to guiding malaria control efforts.
Supporting Malaria Control in Tanzania
Since its inception in 2002 the NETCELL Project has played a key role in supporting the National Malaria Control Programme of Tanzania, by managing the National Insecticide Treated Net (NATNETS) Programme. NATNETS has been hailed as a success, nationally and internationally. As a result of the massive distribution of the Insecticide Treated Nets, Tanzania has seen a 48% decline in all-cause mortality in children under the age of five between 2000 and 2010. The Phase 5 of NETCELL will tackle an enlarged scope of support, while at the same time deepen its structural impact and ensure sustainability. Read more

Evaluation of the National Control Programme in PNG
The Papua New Guinea National Department of Health (NDOH) is receiving financial support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria for the implementation of its malaria control program for the period 2015-2017. A range of partners are involved in the implementation of malaria control interventions has provided outcome and impact evaluation for the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) since 2008 and has once again been contracted to evaluate aspects of the 2015-2017 programme.

Technical Support to Enhance Allocative Efficiency of Country Malaria Programs
We are supporting various national malaria control programs in improving their malaria National Strategic Plans, concept notes, secretariat briefing notes, and grant agreements. In particular, this entails integrating the use of mathematical models of malaria dynamics into projecting impacts of different strategies.
Acting for the Global Fund in Liberia
The Local Fund Agent is an entity contracted by the Global Fund to financially and programmatically verify grant implementation in countries receiving Global Fund financing. The Local Fund Agent works closely with the Global Fund, and in particular with the relevant Fund Portfolio Manager, to provide to monitor and evaluate activities before, during and after the implementation of a grant.